Legal information :

Owner : SIGNATURE SAS - 720, chemin du Cœur Joyeux 59890 QUESNOY sur DEULE

Responsible for publication : SIGNATURE SAS -

The person in charge of publication is an individual or a legal entity.

Webmaster : Noémie -

Host : BCI SOFT - 8 Square des Marronniers 49710 Saint Martin du Fouilloux - 0253354321

Data protection delegate : Dupont -



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The site authorizes the installation of hypertext links pointing towards their contents, subject to :

not to use the technique of the deep linking, i.e. the pages of the site should not be nested inside the pages of another site (use of frames, for example), but accessible by the opening of a window. mention in a text link the content concerned. This authorization does not apply to Internet sites disseminating information of a pornographic, polemical, homophobic or xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, offend the sensibilities of the majority of people.

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Any total or partial reproduction or representation of this site by any process whatsoever, without the authorization of SIGNATURE, is forbidden and would constitute a counterfeit sanctioned by articles L.335-2 and following of the Code of the intellectual property.

Use of the data

In accordance with the Data-processing Law and Freedoms of the 6/01/78, art. 27, you have a right of access and of correction of the personal information concerning you. Signature Mobilier et Décoration does not collect any information that could be resold to third parties.

The right of access to your personal data is to be exercised at the following address

Signature Mobilier et Décoration, 720 chemin du Cœur Joyeux - 59890 QUESNOY sur DEULE - France

Use of the website

In no event shall Signature Mobilier et Décoration be liable for any direct or indirect damages arising out of access to or use of this website or access to or use of other websites, including without limitation, any financial or commercial loss, business interruption, loss of programs or data on your information system, even if SIGNATURE has been advised of the possibility of such damages. All information is deemed to be provided by SIGNATURE "as is".

Signature Mobilier et Décoration may at any time revise these terms by updating this posting. By using this website, you agree to be bound by any such revisions.


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This online store was created using PrestaShop software. Visit the PrestaShop e-commerce blog to get the latest news and tips on selling online and managing an e-commerce site.